Alternatives To Drug Abuse

Drug War Alternatives That Work • Overcriminalized: Substance Abuse • BRAVE NEW FILMS: JUSTICE, The “War on Drugs” has been a complete disaster since 1971. Now police have alternatives to incarceration that actually help people -and save money for the taxpayers. WATCH MORE:
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It’s simple. Diversion programs work better than incarceration – for everyone. In cities like Seattle, San Antonio, and Salt Lake City, we see that successful solutions are a viable option to help end serious social problems. These services alter the course of people’s lives in a positive way and save taxpayers huge amounts of money. We cannot continue to isolate and imprison people who suffer from mental illness, substance abuse, or homelessness. We must treat them with compassion and care to better serve our communities and our pocketbooks.

It’s time we got serious about pulling our money out of incarceration and putting it into systems that foster healthy communities. Hundreds of thousands of people are locked up not because of any dangerous behavior, but because of problems like mental illness, substance use disorders, and homelessness, which should be dealt with outside the criminal justice system. Services like drug treatment and affordable housing cost less and can have a better record of success.

This summer, news stories from around the nation provided the American people with a litany of issues about how police officers respond to community members. By highlighting programs like Crisis Intervention Training (CIT), Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD), and Housing First, OverCriminalized explores the possibility of ending incarceration for millions of Americans who, through successful intervention programs, can put their lives back on track.

OverCriminalized focuses on the people who find themselves being trafficked through this nation’s criminal justice system with little regard for their humanity and zero prospects for actual justice. They are victims of unwillingness to invest in solving major social problems, and the consequent handling off of that responsibility to the police, the courts, and the prisons. They are the mentally ill, the homeless, and the drug addicted. Sometimes they are all three.

Quick facts on over criminalization:

• Approximately 20 % of state prisoners and 21 % of local jail detainees have a “recent history” of a mental health condition.

• Approximately 26% of homeless adults staying in shelters live with serious mental illness and an estimated 46% live with severe mental illness and/or substance use disorders.

• In 2012, it was estimated that 23.1 million Americans needed treatment for problems that related to drugs or alcohol.

• Pew Research finds that 67% of Americans say that the government should focus more on providing treatment for those who use illegal drugs such as heroin or cocaine. Just 26% think the government’s focus should be on prosecuting users of such hard drugs.

ABOUT BRAVE NEW FILMS Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films are at the forefront of the fight to create a just America. Using new media and internet video campaigns, Brave New Films has created a quick-strike capability that informs the public, challenges corporate media with the truth, and motivates people to take action on social issues nationwide. Brave New Films’ investigative films have scrutinized the impact of U.S. drone strikes; the war on whistleblowers; and Wal Mart’s corporate practices. The company’s films have received more than 56 million views online.

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Justice:, ,

The “War on Drugs” has been a complete disaster since 1971. Now police have alternatives to incarceration that actually help people -and save money for the taxpayers. WATCH MORE:
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It’s simple. Diversion programs work better than incarceration – for everyone. In cities like Seattle, San Antonio, and Salt Lake City, we see that successful solutions are a viable option to help end serious social problems. These services alter the course of people’s lives in a positive way and save taxpayers huge amounts of money. We cannot continue to isolate and imprison people who suffer from mental illness, substance abuse, or homelessness. We must treat them with compassion and care to better serve our communities and our pocketbooks.

It’s time we got serious about pulling our money out of incarceration and putting it into systems that foster healthy communities. Hundreds of thousands of people are locked up not because of any dangerous behavior, but because of problems like mental illness, substance use disorders, and homelessness, which should be dealt with outside the criminal justice system. Services like drug treatment and affordable housing cost less and can have a better record of success.

This summer, news stories from around the nation provided the American people with a litany of issues about how police officers respond to community members. By highlighting programs like Crisis Intervention Training (CIT), Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD), and Housing First, OverCriminalized explores the possibility of ending incarceration for millions of Americans who, through successful intervention programs, can put their lives back on track.

OverCriminalized focuses on the people who find themselves being trafficked through this nation’s criminal justice system with little regard for their humanity and zero prospects for actual justice. They are victims of unwillingness to invest in solving major social problems, and the consequent handling off of that responsibility to the police, the courts, and the prisons. They are the mentally ill, the homeless, and the drug addicted. Sometimes they are all three.

Quick facts on over criminalization:

• Approximately 20 % of state prisoners and 21 % of local jail detainees have a “recent history” of a mental health condition.

• Approximately 26% of homeless adults staying in shelters live with serious mental illness and an estimated 46% live with severe mental illness and/or substance use disorders.

• In 2012, it was estimated that 23.1 million Americans needed treatment for problems that related to drugs or alcohol.

• Pew Research finds that 67% of Americans say that the government should focus more on providing treatment for those who use illegal drugs such as heroin or cocaine. Just 26% think the government’s focus should be on prosecuting users of such hard drugs.

ABOUT BRAVE NEW FILMS Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films are at the forefront of the fight to create a just America. Using new media and internet video campaigns, Brave New Films has created a quick-strike capability that informs the public, challenges corporate media with the truth, and motivates people to take action on social issues nationwide. Brave New Films’ investigative films have scrutinized the impact of U.S. drone strikes; the war on whistleblowers; and Wal Mart’s corporate practices. The company’s films have received more than 56 million views online.

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20 responses to “Alternatives To Drug Abuse”

  1. roy19542000 Avatar


  2. Chriszlaststand Avatar

    People that use pain medication for chronic pain are labeled as addicts. If someone that need insulin and can abuse it so the can eat that extra creampuff are they not addicts also? There lies the double standard in this country. Now if you are a disabled veteran that was criticality injured in Afghanistan. You live in pain all of the time you see a doctor they tell you good luck I'm afraid the DEA will take my license so I can't treat your pain with opiates. That's the only type of medication that work. Now guess what your treated like a criminal and drug addict. That's what the Obama administration labels you. Not a hero! This needs to change but doctors don't want to challenge these policies. There are very few pain advocates in the USA anymore. All from war on drugs!!!

  3. Greg Stokes Avatar
    Greg Stokes

    Thank you for these videos….I am a recovering addict/alcoholic and I am working on a degree in psychology with a minor in human services so I can be an addiction counselor. People are so ignorant to addiction because they do not understand it's a disease of the mind. People that suffer from addiction (drugs or alcohol), have certain needs that need to be met….staring with someone who understands and cares enough to be there for them. The judicial system is set up to make money for the state and local governments, but a lot of them are turning to programs like AA and other places that have the answers to the issues being confronted…thank you so much and God bless you!!!

  4. kim gardiner Avatar
    kim gardiner

    this brilliant ,thanku 4 posting

  5. Pattie Mazzola Avatar
    Pattie Mazzola

    If she is in so much pain from her spine. why can't she get disability and Medicaid and medicare and monitored by a real doctor?

  6. highspacefox Avatar

    love this series guys, keep up the awesome work!
    hopefully we can get our fellow Americans to see that helping people is better than stowing them away and hoping they learn their lesson while the public pumps more money into the broken system.

  7. Freshtex Blackman Avatar
    Freshtex Blackman

    HELP!!! is ALL they NEED!

  8. Mat N Avatar
    Mat N

    This short video documents the challenges the current justice system faces in regards to substance abuse and crime. The authors suggest a positive change in our social and justice systems is developing that is focusing efforts to reduce substance abuse crime by appreciating perspective and treating the illness (substance abuse) not symptoms (crime). This clip highlighted to me modern society's obsession for silver bullet treatments, which often fail to fully appreciate issues in an attempt to appear to be taking action. I feel this culture is derived from an obsession with time and progress. However to fully appreciate any subject we need to rebuild a culture that values perspective and reflection more highly than intervention and progress.  

  9. Matthew Sifuentes Avatar
    Matthew Sifuentes

    Lets all remember Portugal decriminalized all drugs,and stopped treating addiction as a crime. They cut addiction by 50%.

  10. Water Wyndz Avatar
    Water Wyndz

    Another outstanding film by Brave New Films. Grateful for all that you do BNF. WTG #LEAD 

  11. The Joseph Avatar
    The Joseph

    This is very good.

  12. Alexander Penley Avatar
    Alexander Penley

    Methadone is worse and addiction is a myth. Be strong. Stay Strong. TURN OFF the cognative dissonance and understand the universe is all one. Namaste from this vegan antifa ninja warrior non-authoritarian. <3

  13. huia shadrock Avatar
    huia shadrock

    How awesome!!!

  14. Azazel Acheron Avatar
    Azazel Acheron

    The SPD are Fascists.  They're currently being investigated by the FBI.

  15. Stanley slott Avatar
    Stanley slott

    It's not about what makes SENCE, It's about THE agenda of THE aristocratiacy who rules every COUNTRY. No ONE cares except THOSE WITH the ILLNESSES of drug addiction like no one csres about any disease until THEY get it. ALSO people who care are THOSE WHO MIGHT have BEEN victimized by the STATE even if THEY weren't addicts. Examples are people with DUIs and people who have lost children based on drug use. Drug use is a,normal asoect of being human, alcohol has,been WITH us a long TIME and other DRUGS LIKE tobacco are fixtures THAT even if we're to be eliminated would be replaced , ,addiction which REALLY to me ONLY pertains to opiate addiction in THE strictest sence is a ILLNESSES, NOT A choice, Not a just say no situation. THE data supports this. ONLY unity by THOSE affected will result in change, ONLY revolution against the treatment centers, THE police and the government overall WILL do any good

  16. digital warfare Avatar
    digital warfare

    Policing in the USA IS a huge part of the problem.

  17. Johnathon Doughzier (DaysOfNoahReturn) Avatar
    Johnathon Doughzier (DaysOfNoahReturn)

    Duh. If only it was about a solution. It won't change, America loves to arrest people, the jails are making money, the courts make money, the cops seize assets, nothing will change. If they legalize pot, they will find five other laws to enact to fill that financial gap.

  18. brandin botten Avatar
    brandin botten

    drug courts for rats and pussys man up do that little time. do it right ya might come out shinning better then when you went in

  19. brandin botten Avatar
    brandin botten

    pussy ass shit lol

  20. Jim Beattie Avatar
    Jim Beattie

    Looks like a fine program. I plan to see if this kind of program is available in my city of Tucson. It's is just intolerable to arrest people for drug crimes. America has become a prison nation. It's a disgrace. Portugal has legalized all drugs and offers treatment and no prison time at all. Maybe I need to move there. I applaud cops who actually try to help addicts and homeless, but sadly most are just thugs with a badge