G & G Holistic Addiction Treatment Center, G & G Holistic Addiction Treatment Center is a globally recognized JACHO accredited 62 bed inpatient/outpatient addiction treatment facility located in North Miami Beach, Florida., ,
G & G Holistic Addiction Treatment Center is a globally recognized JACHO accredited 62 bed inpatient/outpatient addiction treatment facility located in North Miami Beach, Florida.
3 responses to “Holistic Addiction Treatment”
Yeah, that place sucks. The best part was going to the Nirvana spa and being able to fuck chicks in the suntan room. Dude, I would finger this chick in the back of the big white vans and huff whipped cream when they took us to Target. Most fun I ever had, but big thumbs down on their treatment plan
I highly recommend this place to anyone who is serious about recovery. They truly saved my life!
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Dоn't wааааit until its tооо lаtе whеrе therе is lifе thеre is hоpе реacе аnd blеssings!